A few minutes ago, I received an email from a good friend who is about to experience the inevitable as it pertains to our children — separation anxiety. You may recall I wrote about that in a post from March of last year called The Inevitable is Here. Allow me to share with you my friend’s email:
Hi Connie,
I remember that at this time last year your blog was about Lauren’s MLR trip and how hard it was to let her go. Eli is on the eve of her trip and here I sit with such bittersweet emotions. I m so proud of her and yet I m hit with the reality that in a year and half she will be packing not for a week but for months at a time. She is my rock and wise beyond her years. Believe it or not I have learned more from her than what she has learned from me. Anyhow I just wanted you to know that I remember your blog and your very wise words my friend.
Take care and have a great weekend.
And so I take this opportunity to ask that you pray for Eli and this group of kids who will be flying out tomorrow and venturing into a week-long encounter with our Lord. That our loving Virgin Mary sees to their health and safety, that the grace of God instills in them enough spiritual energy to carry them through years to come, and that He grants their parents trust and peace of mind to let go and let God.
Thank you all. : )