For enlightening situations (as painful as they are sometimes), because they remove the dimness or blindness from my eyes and heart, and guide me further into spiritual light. Thank You, God.
“We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened.
But when we are in true spiritual darkness,
we do not even know that we have fallen.”
– Thomas Merton
Category: Thankful Thursdays
Excellent observation.
Your words always awaken a feeling in me that I never knew was there and I will always thank you for that…Boop
I am so thankful for your friendship Betty Boop.
Okay, you REALLY need to get a “Loved!” icon, “Liked” just does not cut it.
Truth in a nutshell “… But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen.” And some know they have fallen, they just are not interested in getting up and seeing the Light. Rather, they prefer to drag as many as they can down into the darkness with them.