Thankful for those opportunities that turn wishful thinking into reality – It was a year ago that an unexpected encounter at the Miami Book Fair set off in motion the series of events that led to my book signing and ultimately this weekend. My friends, keep an eye out for those heaven-sent connections!
Come by the Books and Books Author Tent at the Street Fair this Saturday and Sunday, I’d love to see you there. 🙂
Photo: Books and Books
“Life’s just a bunch of accidents, connected by one perfect end.”
~ D.C. Tomas
Category: Thankful Thursdays
You know, driving to work from the doctor this morning, I saw one of the lamp banners advertising the book fair and I thought about you and that wonderful gem of a book. Thought a lot about you a lot recently actually, especially today, bumpy day, health good (blessed be), but the Talley shooting and the schools being on lock down here really, really hit home. My boss’ son is a teacher at the elementary school that was on lock down. I pulled out my cell and went to the notepad thingamajig, where I keep my favorite Bible quotes, two are ones I got from you, Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks …” and Matthew 6:34, “Do not worry …” (both of which I have a darn hard time with at times). A third is Joel 2:25. Those three have kept me going during rough seas. And your friendship, amiga, I know we see each other “de Pascuas a San Juan” but I am ever so thankful for your friendship and your lovely familia, which always reminds me true families still do, really, exist and thrive. Having Thanksgiving with my “friemily” of neighbors, hope yours is lovely! I will contribute caramel Milky Way brownies, not traditional but … yummmmm!
Thank you, Amiga, for always thinking of me. I think of you in my daily prayers, and appreciate your long-lasting, ever present friendship. Means the world. We’ll talk before Thanksgiving. Love you lots.