Can you believe it’s Ash Wednesday? Time’s flying! And this season of Lent will come and go in a blink. Let’s not let it go by without making it a time of spiritual renewal. So much happening in the world, so much going on in our lives. It’s crazy, just crazy. Let’s stop and smell the Lenten air. No doubt if you’re a year-round Christian, you’ve been looking forward to it; and if you’re a Winter-time Christian, right about now you may be craving this period, and you know it. So here it is: time to look inside and consider those words that stir our hearts — “remember you are dust and to dust we shall return.”
I pray the ashes you choose to receive today mark more than just your foreheads. I pray they mark your hearts. Have a blessed Lent season my dear friends and family.
Amiga, I sure do love you and your most wonderful blog. I love this season, a season of renewal, prayer, looking inward. My Mom and Abuela would say it was “un tiempo de recogimiento.” Bring on those Friday dinners of sardines, cold boiled potatoes and onions! Sending hugs and blessings to you and your lovely familia.
Oh wow, you just brought to mind the sardinas, cold boiled potatoes and onions dinners during Lent my Mom would prepare. So miss that. They won’t go for that at home. Thank YOU, Amiga, I am thankful for a long-lasting friendship. 🙂