How many tests have you taken so far? I’ve taken many. I’ve passed some with flying colors, and have failed some miserably. From the beginning, we’re taking tests. They start with reading, writing and math (remember those pop quizzes?! Ugh, I hated those). Then come the ones that test our endurance, courage, and character (no…
Author: Connie Perez
Thankful Thursdays
“It may be a dog, a cat, a bird, a ferret, or a guinea pig, but the chances are high that when someone close to you dies, a pet will be there to pick up the slack. Pets devour the loneliness. They give us purpose, responsibility, a reason for getting up in the morning, and…
Thankful Thursdays
There is no way the Big Bang created that! That was my immediate thought after looking at a diagram showing intricate parts of the knee. I was sitting in the examining room at my orthopaedic surgeon’s office and of course had plenty of time to study the poster while I waited for the doc to…
Thankful Thursdays
I’m not in the habit of giving advice unless asked, except of course when it comes to my kids. They are adult children, I know. I just can’t help myself, it’s in my DNA. Isn’t it in every mother’s DNA? I only do it to be helpful, not to be intrusive. But it’s not always…
Thankful Thursdays
So much has happened in the last 14 months. Soooo much. While in Texas this week, I spotted a billboard of a popular 24/7 burger joint that read Hours of operationALL OF THEM Immediately I thought of how God is at work all the time. Some times for us, some times through us. So much…
Thankful Thursdays
When we least expect it, we may be presented with a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Do we act on it, or do we pass? That’s not always a clear-cut choice. But I think when opportunity comes knocking, we should at least open the door. And, if it’s dressed like…
Thankful Thursdays
No one is ever quite ready. I thought I was because we certainly planned for it. But I wasn’t. I thought I was choosing motherhood but, in reality, it was choosing me. And here I am, on the eve of another Mother’s Day, twenty-nine years since that first life-changing eye-opener. Since that day when this…
Thankful Thursdays
If I had a dollar for every time I have faced uncertainty, I’d be rich and sitting in retirement on a beach in Fiji. Yes, that many times. Uncertainty surrounds us whether we are tuned in to it or not. No matter how in control of our lives we think we are, much of what…
Thankful Thursdays
If you could have a conversation with yourself from 20 years ago, what would you tell yourself? Me? That there’s only so many times one can get away with putting 38 on a birthday cake. [Wink, wink…inside joke to family and friends]. Seriously, though, I would tell myself not to sweat the small stuff. As…
Thankful Thursdays
I’m pretty sure in nine plus years of consecutive Thankful Thursdays posts, I must have expressed gratitude for this, but here it is again – – I am so very grateful for working plumbing. My first realization of the value of working plumbing, no, actually, of plumbing, period, was during day 2 of my first…