Grateful that we were together. I rested my hand on Mom’s chest as she took her last breath that night. Family surrounded her when she passed away that October 19 three years ago. In fact, family surrounded her all throughout her illness. What a blessing that was. Sadly, since Covid took over, countless people have…
Author: Connie Perez
Thankful Thursdays
If God is for me, who or what can be against me? Answer: Many and much. But believing that God is surely for me makes irrelevant every bit of that “many and much.” With Him on my side I can confront and I can prevail. And for that, I am so very grateful. Oh, here’s…
Thankful Thursdays
For every opportunity to grow. Everything and everyone in our path, positive and negative, is an opportunity for us to become better. Let’s not waste that or take it for granted. For instance, I read this quote that rings true for me: “I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness…
Thankful Thursdays
For the shift. The sunlight has shifted and there’s enough of a breeze now to NOT suffocate. And just like that, it’s October in Miami. Yup, October. Did we skip two whole seasons or something? Never mind this morning’s toasty 80˚, I’m talking time-wise. Like Oscar Wilde said, “And all at once summer collapsed into…
Thankful Thursdays
For the pack. They say I’m a pretty strong person. But let me tell you, I am as strong as my pack makes me. And I’ve got a kick-ass pack supporting me. Second time in less than two months that I undergo surgery. Yes, it’s been that kind of year, but not just for me,…
Thankful Thursdays
For the one-third remaining. Some years feel a bit heavier than others, but 2020 has felt like a ton of bricks. Phew! What a year it has been so far. And I’m not just talking about the craziness most of us typically witness from afar, nope, I’m talking about what we’ve experienced first-hand. Simply exhausting….
Thankful Thursdays
For a shoe-full of perspective. This week I find myself in someone else’s shoes. I messed up my knee and I’ve been hopping around wearing a brace and on crutches. The temporary interruption has brought to mind the countless people who live with disabilities, namely those who come back from war all mangled up. It…
Thankful Thursdays
For the unmasking. This week we’ve been away enjoying most of our time where the latest accessory is not needed. Ahhh…the freedom. I hope and pray soon we’ll be able to return to hugging, dining, traveling, working, and learning without the need for this accessory. When, without a doubt, we will do all…
Thankful Thursdays
For employment in the time of Corona. Yesterday during our weekly office web meeting many of us expressed how grateful we feel to be employed during these challenging times. Most of us know people who have lost their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet. It’s gotta be tough, and we pray for them….
Thankful Thursdays
For those who make a difference. It has been a difficult year for all of us so far. Imagine what it’s been like for cancer-stricken kids and their families. The annual St. Jude Walk/Run is going VIRTUAL this year. Once again, I have signed up Team RxfortheSoul to participate in this event which will be…