For family. I know this is something I’ve posted about before on Thankful Thursdays, but from time to time, it merits repeating. Because next to God’s love, I can’t think of anything more precious than family. We’re all so busy most of the time, with schedules that coincide on occasion, especially once our kids are…
Author: Connie Perez
Thankful Thursdays
For thoughts and prayers. – Last week, a group of very passionate kids started a movement in response to the Parkland shootings. That’s great, I love to see impassioned youth involved in something other than video games and texting. Especially involved in something as important as this. As a concerned citizen of this world and, most…
Thankful Thursdays
That we are alive. Yesterday’s events in Parkland, Florida were horrific. An absolute nightmare. My heart goes out to all involved. So we began the Lenten season yesterday with extra praying. We pray for the victims and their families. We pray for today and tomorrow to be a safer world. Let’s not make this Lent just about giving…
Thankful Thursdays
For those days when my brave is on. Not only during the sorrows that test my strength, but also in the little moments that test my character. Those moments, for example, when laziness, stubbornness, or pride attempt to get the best of me. Because, sometimes, as we know, it takes a bit of courage to…
Thankful Thursdays
For clear vision. I had LASIK eye surgery just a few days ago. Amazing technology, is all I can say. Anyway, the whole process brought to mind something I posted back in 2009 (which later I included in Scenes Everlasting and Other Essays). I thought it timely to share it again: From where I sit to read…
Thankful Thursdays
For simplicity. It’s a great time of year to clean house (and I’m not just talking about the closet and garage). Don’t wait ‘till spring time. Start cleaning house now in every aspect of your life – materially, mentally, and emotionally. We should identify what’s essential and do away with as much of the rest…
Thankful Thursdays
For chocolate. Dark’s my preference. It’s healthier, since there’s that antioxidant factor. But really any kind; anything with cocoa will hit the spot for a chocoholic like me. And, aside from its heavenly taste, it releases feel good neurotransmitters in the brain which can potentially neutralize any crappy state of mind. That’s a plus. No, for…
Thankful Thursdays
To give back. How about that for a new year’s resolution? To give back, plain and simple. Let’s face it, we have so much going on in our lives, that it’s easy to get overwhelmed, out of sorts, and miss the big picture. Having an attitude of gratitude can help bring peace to the craziness and focus our vision…
Thankful Thursdays
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful start to 2018. Here we go, the first of 52 Thankful Thursdays. In the spirit of making the best of our time and accommodate what matters most, I will start with this: Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better, To paint a picture or…
Thankful Thursdays
For a hard-fought and conquered year. It was for the most part, for us, an overwhelming year, dealing with Mom’s illness and loss. The year seemed to whiz by painfully in slow motion. How crazy is that? Still, it is one more year to be thankful for. One more year with those we love. I am…