For more wag. We recently got a dog. Well, more like Lauren showed up with a dog and we somewhat reluctantly allowed it. But now we love Beni. What I love the most about this animal is how happy he gets when he sees us, hyper-wagging his little tail off. And you just can’t help…
Category: Thankful Thursdays
Thankful Thursdays
For that Higher Power. What are we in control of, really? These days more than ever we make ourselves crazy over the things that are not going our way. I know I do. But let me share with you a little exercise I use to put me in my place. Please repeat after me: “There…
Thankful Thursdays
For awakenings. Last week I had surgery to remove my gallbladder (because 2020 wasn’t exciting enough). Would have preferred to have kept it, but it wasn’t in the plan for me. As I sat in the recovery room and my body and mind awoke (that anesthesia was the bomb), I was immediately thankful to be awake,…
Thankful Thursdays
For Mom’s angel. Lazara Ortega was unlike anyone I have ever known. She came into our lives shortly after my grandfather passed away in 1992 when, through a friend of a friend, she was put in touch with us about renting my grandfather’s apartment, which connected to our house. Instantly, we took a liking to…
Thankful Thursdays
For interim spots. The dining room has been their interim home office for four months now. She never would’ve imagined that, she said. Anyway, in this interim office, she has the best spot. It’s next to the bar and faces the blooming Crape Myrtle. From this spot, she can see Amazon, UPS, FedEx, and USPS…
Thankful Thursdays
For skills discovered. Cooking is not for everyone. It’s definitely not my cup of tea, that’s no secret, and my family can attest to it. Sadly, I didn’t inherit Mom’s love for cooking or her skill for creating her amazing meals. I really never had an interest for the craft, to be honest. For me…
Thankful Thursdays
For America – for better or worse, in sickness and in health. Let me ask you something personal: Do you think America is the greatest country in the world? I suppose one could easily argue that it is, and just as easily argue that it’s not. After all, we’re in the midst of some pretty…
Thankful Thursdays
For a chance like this one. Go ahead, and take a seat on that bench. The bench is anywhere you’d like it to be. Next to you is anyone you choose to chat with for one hour. Who would that someone be? Although I would be tempted to choose God, I really don’t think I’m…
Thankful Thursdays
For colorful blooms. I was taking them for granted, I guess. All the pretty flowers we plant every year. But this spring and summer they are not going unnoticed. On the contrary, the are being watered and cared for and admired more than ever. With the lockdown and home confinement, there’s been more time to…
Thankful Thursdays
For a different twist this week, I asked what our kids are thankful for. Because the world’s on fire and we need perspective and a dose of hope. Here it is: “I am thankful to be part of a supportive family that I know will have my back in whatever I do or where ever…