For those who can agree to disagree. What?! Nowadays?! Yes, especially these days. It’s easy peasy to hold a conversation with someone who agrees with you [cue the love and fireworks]. But quite tricky to do so with someone who doesn’t. I am grateful for those who can respect another’s opinion without giving up their…
Category: Thankful Thursdays
Thankful Thursdays
For the blessing of being able to bring to fruition a miracle, that of bringing life into the world — to protect it, to respect it. Nothing else has ever made me feel more aware of God. I cannot for one instance imagine life without Danny and Lauren. Their lives were a choice. Whatever choice…
Thankful Thursdays
For good medical reports! Phew! That’s all I’m going to say ’bout that. We know not all the money, possessions, success, etc., is worth a hoot without health. And even though we know, we spend the least amount of time on what matters most…almost as if we were immortal and had forever. Thanks for all…
Thankful Thursdays
For my village. “It takes a village,” as you know. As I’ve mentioned before, the last 10 months or so have been overwhelming, to say the least. With Mom’s health and mind deteriorating, selling her home, relocating her to an interim place, and subsequently moving her to an apartment, seemed like an unsurmountable task. Crazy…
Thankful Thursdays
For oxygen. Mine consists of Ray, Lauren, and Danny. I breathe in and feel their support; I breathe out and feel their love. Oh, what a relief it is. What’s your oxygen? And what are you thankful for today? “Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family….
Thankful Thursdays
For hugs, kisses, conversations, and time together. For me, Jesus is the reason for the season. I recognize and celebrate all the blessings He bestows on me — each hug and kiss, each conversation, each second we spend with loved ones – all of that is so much brighter and warmer than anything else we…
Thankful Thursdays
That I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. So thankful that my faith is strong enough to believe this. Otherwise, I’d be in a looney bin right now. Enough said. Oh yeah, and thankful also for greeting cards. The ones with handwriting inside that come in an envelope with a stamp on it….
Thankful Thursdays
For our warriors and the peace they serve to protect and defend. As I hold in my hands this poignant edition of The Miami Herald published 75 years ago today (another one of Mom’s archived treasures), I cringe at the reminder of the countless souls lost to war, past and present, and of the brave…
Thankful Thursdays
For beginnings. This has been quite an emotional week for us Cubans and anyone whose life has been affected in one way or another by the tyrant that Castro was. This week we celebrate not his death but the beginning of a world without him. We celebrate not immediate change but the resurgence of hope…
Thankful Thursdays
For time with each other. I’m very grateful to be able to fill a list of things for which to be thankful, and I’m sure you are too. But I’m also certain that this holiday season, and every day, what we end up thanking God for the most, really, is the time we have with…