There’s a quote that goes “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” Which one is 2020 for you? Upon some reflection, for me, a bit of both. All years are challenging, but in many ways for a lot of us, 2020 will go down as the most difficult year in modern history:…
Thankful Thursdays
For a bittersweet Good Night. This Christmas Eve will have a different feel to it. Our gatherings will be smaller because we’ll be apart from some of our loved ones, and that truly sucks. But in a year of so much loss, I feel we owe it to those no longer with us to celebrate…
Thankful Thursdays
Our tree has been up and running! Let me tell you, given the year it has been, “rockin’ around the Christmas tree” has never meant so much. I’m so very grateful that we’re getting to do just that. Every moment, every light and every ornament is appreciated ten-fold. Sharing with you here my favorite ornament…
Thankful Thursdays
For a remarkable man. I dedicate today’s post to Richard de Aguero – Mr. D, as we all called him in high school. An exceptional and inspiring teacher, leader, parishioner, husband, father, friend, and brother in Christ. A faithful servant to the end. The Lord summoned him last week to join his beloved wife, Jane….
Thankful Thursdays
For family road trips. A cabin in the mountains, fresh air, snow, a truck-full of provisions and lots of laughs. This road trip is not being measured by mile markers, but by moments. So very grateful to be in Tennessee with the gang this week. What moments are you thankful for today? Until next Thursday’s post…si…
Thankful Thursdays
Faces. That is what instantly jumps at me when I stop to reflect on this Thanksgiving Day. The faces of those I love, and whose love and support I feel, even from a distance. This year, many of us are celebrating this holiday in smaller groups and away from a number of our family and…
Thankful Thursdays
These winds and breezes, wow…and in November no less! I can hear the whistling and rustling sound from inside the house, and it just adds to the crazy feel of this year. Just yesterday, as I sat outside watching the swaying dance of the palm trees, I thought about how important it is to be…
Thankful Thursdays
Sometimes the door that you so desperately want opened is just not for you. Been there. At first, I sit sulking in the proverbial hallway of life wondering what the heck happened. When faith kicks in, I’m reminded that other doors will open and that my Doorman will guide me through the right one. I’ve…
Thankful Thursdays
Today I awoke with the same responsibilities as yesterday and the day before. Doesn’t matter who resides now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, or who will reside there later, I still have to get up and deal with life the best I can. Because after an election, life goes on, one way or another. Today I…
Thankful Thursdays
For uplifting content. I wouldn’t go as far as saying I would like life to go back to the days of “offline” living. Okay, some days I do, but as we know, that train left the station long time ago. However, I will say I would like life to go back to the time when…