Looks like we’ve dodged a direct hit here in South Florida! After riding out a few storms over the years, I can’t help but feel a wave of relief and gratitude. The lead-up to a hurricane can be a bit nerve-wracking, so it’s such a relief to see we’re getting through this one in good…
Thankful Thursdays
What is it about a random burst of inspiration that feels so refreshing? You’re cruising through a regular day, and suddenly—bam!—an idea pops into your head out of nowhere. Like when you’re showering (I call that an epishower), or while you’re cooking (I call that a rarity, for me 😉 ), or maybe during a…
Thankful Thursdays
Another picture that´s worth a thousand words…and a few more. The latest iPhone is pretty awesome from what I hear. Isn’t it incredible how much technology has advanced? But, wow…how this mini computer robs us of potentially valuable moments. My opinion. I fall prey to it, don’t you think different. This yin and yang of a…
Thankful Thursdays
I find myself engulfed in luxuries. Among them, arroz con huevos fritos. Well, a luxury would be anything that causes one to savor a moment and stir up gratitude, no? So, yes, in my world, a plate of white rice and fried eggs fits that definition. Okay, on a meaningful note, though, I realize that…
Thankful Thursdays
My mother was wrong about some things. She was right about everything else. I have lived long enough to have proof of each of those statements, and could jot down on a Post-It note examples of the former, and fill pages and pages with examples of the latter. For instance, she’d say, “If you don’t learn…
Thankful Thursdays
I don’t know what’s in store for me. Sometimes I wish I knew, but mostly, I don’t. I know firsthand that life can change in the blink of an eye, for better or for worse. I think most of you my age believe that to be true. An unnerving and sobering truth. And so I…
Thankful Thursdays
We are taking a little summer break, but always making time for thankfulness. “Sad has 3 letters but so does Joy Fall has 4 letters for so does Rise Curse has 5 letters but so does Bless Ignore has 6 letters but do does Listen Enemies has 7 letters but so does Friends Immature has…
Thankful Thursdays
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it forever – spending time with family is food for the soul. Because most things in life are transient, but the jolt of LIFE we experience when we spend time together, whether via video call or in-person, well…that jolt is everlasting. We are grateful for the sights and…
Thankful Thursdays
Care to share one thing you treasure about your normal, ordinary day? I’m sure there must be several, but tell me just one. Here’s mine: A hand to hold. I am grateful I have that. And I pray for those who don’t. Let us never overlook the simple but special things in our normal day….
Thankful Thursdays
And what is this blog if not a platform to remind us all that there, amidst the flaws, the mundane, the inconveniences, the highs and lows, exist our blessings? In our daily grind and moments of stress, we tend to forget that. We just get so bogged down with negativity, you know, that we lose…