For a/c, desk fans, and cold water. Ironically, three things not very high on my priority list last month. But, ever since my biological clock chose the hottest month of the year to kick start my own climate change, those three things have been bumped up the list. And wow, ladies! None of your stories…
Thankful Thursdays
For life-changing flights. This week marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11’s mission and Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin taking humanity’s first steps on the moon. Those astronauts…man, talk about courage. The entire Apollo program, forever remarkable. That summer of ’69 in Havana, I watched the moon landing thanks to a neighbor armed with a super…
Thankful Thursdays
For the Perez household engine. There are days when I keep crossing things off my to-do list like I’m on a mission or something. Those days are super amazing. It feels great to get things done. Of course, there are days when I just want to relax and, well, maybe do nothing. If you’re like…
Thankful Thursdays
For the red, white and blue. Today, in this country, we celebrate Independence Day. As I take a moment to reflect on the many freedoms we are fortunate enough to have, I give thanks for all of those who gave their lives so that you and I can enjoy this great land. Although it is…
Thankful Thursdays
For sticky prayers…and our interceders. Some time ago, I began placing on a St. Jude prayer card sticky notes with the names of people for whom I invoke a blessing or special intention. People who are ill, who are going through some type of adversity, or who are trying to achieve something seemingly impossible. You…
Thankful Thursdays
That there’s a season for everything. Tomorrow we welcome summer. Yaaay!! I love summer. My favorite season. It’s the time of sunny days and longer daylight (okay, and lots of rain, but that’s good for the grass), and it’s a time to move like we’ve got a purpose. I know what you’re thinking. There’s only…
Thankful Thursdays
For my “snap out of it” gadgets. Picture this: I’m at work busy at the computer, lost in words, deadlines, and numbers, totally unaware of my surroundings. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I catch sight of the picture that just scrolled on my digital frame and, BAM! I’m transported to a sweet…
Thankful Thursdays
For knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. This week saw the end [inevitably] of James Holzhauer’s winning streak on Jeopardy. The wealth of knowledge on that guy is…wow, impressive. Conversely, recently on Game of Thrones, we watched how Jon Snow, well, really knows nothing. Bravery’s his thing. We all have our thing. We all have valuable attributes…
Thankful Thursdays
For time together. Fresh back from a long weekend with the kids and a few of their closest friends. Nothing like moments shared (with a bunch of twenty-somethings going on 15, ha ha). We had a great time, and I’m so grateful we got to hang out. Unfortunately, time together is not always doable, as…
Thankful Thursdays
For morning drives. They’re so much more than transportation. It’s that time of day when we head out to live our purpose. Be it to work (okay let’s not think traffic for one moment) or on a road trip to somewhere magical; be it by car or train or bus or bicycle, morning drives are a…