For choices. Fortunate to have them there for me to make. Blessed beyond measure by some of the ones I have made. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” –Jeremiah 1:5 For Lauren and Danny, today and always, I am thankful. What are you…
Thankful Thursdays
That God’s got my back. And yours. If God is for me, who can be against me? This is a question that fills me with peace. Because in my heart I know the answer, it fills me with peace. I believe that no matter what, God’s got us. That He will relentlessly stick with us…
Thankful Thursdays
For chivalry. But is it dead? Well, nowadays it seems to have been placed back on that medieval shelf from where it once came, along with politeness and manners. While it is a matter of courtesy, in general, and not an issue solely between men and women, I’ve heard it said that chivalry reinforces the idea that…
Thankful Thursdays
For power-packed words. Please, thank you, I’m sorry, good morning, have a great day, you can do it, I’ll pray for you, I love you…. The smallest and simplest of positive words have the power to make someone’s day, sometimes even save a life. And with so much negativity out there, who wouldn’t want to…
Thankful Thursdays
For 20,454 sunrises. My first thought when I open my eyes every morning is “Thank You, God, for letting me wake up.” Today, it was “…for letting me wake up to yet another birthday.” As I reflect on my time here so far, I am amazed at the journey. I am amazed at how things…
Thankful Thursdays
Hello there, 2019! And Happy New Year to all of you. I’m looking forward to, and praying for, all the best that this new year has to offer. Wishing all of you a great, prosperous, healthy, and happy year. May your blessings be many. Let’s get to it! What are you thankful for today? Until…
Thankful Thursdays
Thankful for 2018. Challenging year? You bet! But as this year comes to an end and a new one soon begins, let’s raise our glasses and make a toast to every blessing we’ve been showered with in 2018. Being able to share another 52 Thankful Thursdays with you has been among mine. Thank you for…
Thankful Thursdays
For the true reason for the season. Even before our Thanksgiving turkey goes in the oven (or it’s ordered), the hustle and bustle of Christmas engulfs us. Christmas decorations go up, the mad dash shopping for gifts begins, and we turn our attention to annual holiday celebrations and parties. With all that activity going on,…
Thankful Thursdays
For better thoughts. Worthwhile thoughts. What is definitely not worthwhile is to worry. Worrisome thoughts consume precious minutes of our lives. For me, most times it’s about our kids’ future, other times about health issues I’m not even having symptoms of and, lately, often about retirement (but at this rate of worrying, I may not…
Thankful Thursdays
For four decades of lessons. This past Saturday, post-consult with God, I gave notice at church that this shall be my last school year teaching Catechism. I felt it was time to pass the torch. My decision, although not an easy one, was guilt-free. A sure sign that it was the right one. I could…