For healing. Being sick really sucks! I know a bunch of people, directly and indirectly, who are dealing with some type of illness or injury right now; some of them family, some of them friends. My heart breaks every time I hear about one of them. Suffering does not discriminate, and it seems like almost…
Thankful Thursdays
For that stuff between paydays. That’s right, the time away from the office. Experts say taking time off is good for the body, mind and soul, and makes us more productive. So smart, those experts. But it’s not always easy or possible to get away. So each opportunity to do so is quite the blessing….
Thankful Thursdays
For the family group chat. I was just cleaning out my phone and reading some of the texts in our family group chat going back months…messages that range from significant discussions to random nonsense, but most of which are hilarious. These conversations which are frequently accompanied by photos, gifs, memes and bitmojis, have, for the…
Thankful Thursdays
For Mothers. This is the very first Mother’s Day we won’t have Mom here to celebrate with her. We miss her. And I will miss that “¡Mom, felicidades!” I would greet her with on her special day. But, I know she rejoices with the Lord above. What an awesome gift that is. As for me,…
Thankful Thursdays
For spring cleaning! Everyone at home is on a roll, cleaning up and clearing out (if you hang out at our house more than two days you too may be packed up and donated). Clutter be gone. I love it! Except for photographs; those paper images are precious and sacred. I’ve been sorting out a…
How his last wish is making a difference.
I’m sharing with you today information about a great cause that’s making a difference in the life of many — Miggy’s Gift — a non-profit organization that is working on fulfilling Stephen Miggy” Chavez’s last wish: to help pediatric cancer patients and their families. In a short timespan, this charity has taken off in a big way, but it needs much support to…
Thankful Thursdays
For the promise of eternal life. Every time we lose a loved one, with them goes a piece of our heart and a chunk of our joy. No way around that. Fortunately, with faith, and belief in His promise of eternal life, the heart is mended and joy returns. I know that’s how it’s been for…
Thankful Thursdays
For things that break down. Huh? Sounds odd, I know. See, lately, we’ve had a bunch of things conk out on us — TV, washer, A/C, car battery — all around the same time. Ugh, que pujo! Such a pain in the butt to deal with. But, you know, a few (venting) curse words later, some…
Thankful Thursdays
For the things I cannot control. Life is unpredictable, ever-changing, and filled with countless attitudes. For a control freak like me, this can be unnerving. But attached to the indefinite come many things that can impact and transform our lives for the better. And realizing that I’m not at the wheel every minute of my life, teaches me…
Thankful Thursdays
That whatever God has in store for us, He will equip us for. That’s been the case for me, time and again. In my craziest of times, in my darkest hours, and in my hair-pulling moments, there He is. In the midst of it all, just like that, out of the blue – a way…