For a chance to slow down and do all the nothing I want … and to share today’s post from one of my favorite places. Thank You, Lord. What are you thankful for today? “The voice of the sea speaks to the soul.” “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once…
Thankful Thursdays
For napkins. While I stealthily swiped everyone’s napkin around me (common occurrence, as those who often dine with me know), our dinner table conversation turned to a challenge that I express my thankfulness for napkins on the next Thankful Thursdays post. I do go through a lot of servilletas; could I secretly be writing a…
Thankful Thursdays
What if today we only get what we were grateful for yesterday? Hm…. So what if today, we were just grateful for everything? Yeah, let’s be. Twenty-four hours in this day, plenty of time to say thank you. “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give…
Thankful Thursdays
I won’t bore you with my week’s events, but I will tell you that God’s timely intersections are engineered to show us that He’s got our backs. I am so thankful for these divine serendipitous moments. He’s got MY attention. Are you faith-filled enough to see the God-arranged moments in your life? “The heart of…
Thankful Thursdays
For true friendships — committed, caring, loyal, supportive; they know each other’s stories, can transcend time and distance. They stick. I look way back and see them throughout my life. What a blessing! And I am so grateful. What are you thankful for today? “I thank my God every time I remember you.” – Philippians…
Thankful Thursdays
10 car pile-up, SUV banged up, hassles with insurance company, work day wasted….Ugh, what an inconvenience and headache! BUT, my husband came out without a scratch, as did the other drivers. And for that, we are very thankful, Lord. Later at the body shop, he asks for his long-time friendly auto repair guy, and is…
Thankful Thursdays
For those perfect imperfections. Because “the flaw is the thing we love.” We are all a work-in-progress, aren’t we? As annoying as they may be, I try to appreciate those imperfections in those I love, and in me. It’s teaching me tolerance. Besides, I’d rather deal with than without. What are you thankful for today? “It…
Thankful Thursday
For grass to water. Recently finished a renovation project at home which left us with really crappy-looking grass. Through the process, I kept noticing the neighbors’ lawns more than ever. Let the comparisons begin! It was crazy. I couldn’t wait to replace ours. Once we did, we were so consumed with the care of our…
Thankful Thursdays
For the good ones. For every twisted sorry excuse of a human being and every tragic unthinkable event, there are thousands upon thousands of good souls ready and willing to help, to protect, to pray. For that, today and always, I am thankful. What are you thankful for? “Accepting that life is insane, that bad…
Thankful Thursdays
A friend of a friend for whom I had been praying for years died yesterday. I did not know her personally, but it’s amazing how prayer has the power to instill closeness and caring. My heart felt the pain instantly when the news came. I will miss praying for Dinorah. And I am thankful I…