Thankful that God’s answers are wiser than my prayers. “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be…
Thankful Thursdays
Thankful for my very special father (I miss him so), for all the great dads I know, and for the awesome father my children have been blessed with. Here’s to all of them, as we celebrate their day this Sunday. Happy Father’s Day! “He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me…
Thankful Thursdays
For 121 Thankful Thursdays. 🙂 I didn’t know how many I’d be able to share with you after that first one back on 2-9-12. Many I hoped. Well, 121 is many. Very grateful for that. Here’s praying for even many more. And thank YOU for sharing yours with me! That’s made this little project all the more…
Thankful Thursdays
And for this I am thankful. Let’s make it count!
Thankful Thursdays
Thankful for those days when you see change coming and you wonder what He’s up to, what He’s got cooking and why. Because that keeps me “faithing.” Ahh…God the Master of my puzzle. How He keeps us on our toes! “Embrace spiritual uncertainty. It’s called mystery. Embrace occupational uncertainty. It’s called destiny. Embrace emotional uncertainty. It’s called…
Thankful Thursdays
After tragedy – solidarity, support, and hope. It has been wonderful and touching to see the show of support for Lauren’s friend, Cristina Gomez, since her accident Monday night. The huge amount of young people coming together for prayer services, vigils, etc. So amazing to see. And for that, I am thankful. Cristina is still in critical…
Thankful Thursdays
For the little messages that remind me what joyful comedians my children are. I’m sure yours are too. Wishing you a very happy and blessed Mother’s Day!! Siblings: Children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together. The sweetest sounds to mortals given Are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven. ~…
Redeem The Time
This week’s message, one of Joel’s best. Something for everyone in this one, shedding light on “for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Our time here is counted my friends, let’s make the best of it. Set aside some of it and take a listen.
Cool Visit
Went by my favorite neighborhood bookstore tonight and looksy what I found! (Still can’t believe it…feeling accomplished).
Thankful Thursdays
It’s a no brainer to me that this week’s thankful post expresses my gratitude for the opportunity I had last Thursday night to further promote my little book project, and do it in the presence of such amazing company. As the Books & Books manager wrote to me the day after, “You had a wonderful crowd. There was a lot of love in that room….” Yes indeed, and I felt it! ♥ So thankful.