Thankful for those snapshots that magically transform the memories of difficult days into a sweet instant.
My “pothead kids” – read about it in Scenes Everlasting….
Thankful Thursdays
It’s Holy Thursday, and I am thankful for what we commemorate and remember today – the institution of the Eucharist and the importance Jesus puts on the humility of service. In the washing of the feet and the giving of His body and His blood we find the true meaning of love and service. For me, tonight’s is the most poignant Mass of the year….
Beyond expectations…
Currently #1 in paperback and #2 in Kindle, in Essays category. Remember proceeds go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Autism Speaks. Thank you!!
Thankful Thursdays
This week I must give a shout-out to my co-workers for their awesome show of support and generosity. The surprise book signing party was especially touching…and as bubbly and sweet as the champagne and strawberries we had. So thankful to know and work with this bunch!…
Thankful Thursdays
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love…..Thankful that the Catholic Church once again has a pontiff. Friends join me in prayer that the Holy Spirit give Pope Francis I strength and wisdom to guide our church, which is in great need of healing and renewal. May he be a light in the darkness. May he renew our faith. May he inspire us!…
Thankful Thursdays meets Throwback Thursday
Thankful for the moments you remember all your life. This is one of those moments…
Church for me hasn’t always been fun.
As some of you know, my hubby and I reached our 25th wedding anniversary a few weeks ago. We celebrated by renewing our vows during a lovely Mass given by our long-time priest and friend. We had our family and close friends there, and our children stood by us as the two of us restated the promises that bound us together a day long ago. As I sat through the Mass and listened to our Pastor’s touching and (eloquently) funny words about us, our marriage, and our family through the years, I thought about the countless…
Hot off the press!
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for supporting my e-book and for your feedback, I totally appreciate it. It’s been a super fun process. I am happy to let you know that the print format (with new cover) of Scenes Everlasting and Other Essays is now available on Please check it out. And remember, all proceeds are being donated to two great causes. Thanks again….
Thankful Thursdays
Yesterday my brother and sister-in-law celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary. So happy for them. I remember the first time they took me out with them soon after they had started dating. I was 11. Didn’t feel like it then (I was so jealous, thought she was stealing my brother away), but I was actually gaining…
Thankful Thursdays
Monday we got to celebrate with Mom her 81st birthday. So thankful for this blessing. “If the whole world were put into one scale, and my mother in the other, the whole world would kick the beam.~ Lord Langdale