For another Noche Buena and Christmas spent with family and friends. Hoping for a healthy and fun New Year’s. Best wishes to all for a great 2013….and many more Thankful Thursdays! God bless….
Guest Post: A lesson in faith
A guest post by my friend Lucrecia Lozano —
With so much talk of the tragedy in Newtown last week, it’s hard to shield your kids from hearing about it. As most of you know my kids are 7 and 9. Sure enough yesterday the kids were sharing how they were scared of going to school today because of what….
Thankful Thursdays
For every single moment I get to spend with my children; every hug and kiss, every word, every single look at them. May God’s grace comfort those parents who can’t. Remembering the Sandy Hook angels and praying for their families….
Thankful Thursdays
For my Lord and Savior who keeps me sane. Where would I be….
Thankful Thursdays
For good health. Simply. — It is, after all, the greatest wealth.
Thankful Thursdays
What if you woke up today with only the things that you thanked God for yesterday?….
The Ultimate Thankful Thursday
And so we reach the ultimate Thankful Thursday. This Thanksgiving Day I reiterate every gratitude I have expressed in all of my Thankful Thursday posts this year, and multiply them by seven:…
Thankful Thursdays
For those who slap me with perspective. Just recently, one of my students. So thankful to have that; to have them. “While his eyes saw the sky, his soul saw Heaven.”~K. Smith “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”~Anaïs Nin
Thankful Thursdays
I am my choices.
Being honest is a choice
Being respectful is a choice
Being compassionate is a choice
Being loyal is a choice
Being hopeful is a choice
Being forgiving is a choice
Being loving is a choice
Being grateful is a choice
Believing this, is a choice
Thankful Thursdays
That I live in a free country. And for my parents, the sacrifices they made – blood, sweat and tears – to make it happen. A world of gratitude and love to you! “It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you.” ~ M. Grundler ~…