I wanted to take a minute to thank you for your calls, texts, and emails asking about Lauren while at the Leadership Retreat in New York. She and her classmates arrived home safe and sound on Saturday afternoon. They all…
Because you’ve asked…
As a follow-up to my last entry, and in response to some of your calls and emails asking about Lauren and her group, I share with you a couple of shot taken at the airport on Saturday morning. They arrived…
The Inevitable is Here
The thing about the inevitable is that it comes. Sooner or later, but it comes. There are many “inevitables” during the course of one’s life – – dental work (my favorite…NOT!), taxes (yes, even for politicians), death of course, and a parent’s first real separation from a son/daughter. The latter, my friends, is my inevitable at this particular time….
Lent 2009: Ash Wednesday
Tomorrow we awake to Ash Wednesday. May this be the beginning of a meaningful and faith-fueling Lent season for all….
Change Is In The Air
Change, change, change is in the air. I don’t think we had ever heard the word “change” mentioned as much as in the last year. But no, I’m not talking about THAT change, not in a political context. The change I’m talking about is not an external one of conditions or behaviors, but rather an internal one that transforms us. The type we experience during Lent. Yes, it’s incredible, but Lent is…
Out of Sight Out of Mind
Out of sight out of mind. Ay, how I despise that phrase! I think it’s even worse in Spanish — “ojos que no ven corazón que no siente” — eyes that don’t see heart that doesn’t feel — Yuk….
Walking the Talk
This Tuesday my son will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. In preparation, this past weekend he attended a retreat given…
Flak about Michael Phelps
You know what? I am really, really, REALLY tired of the “I’m only ___ years old.” and “I’m sorry, I used poor judgment” excuses. People are criticizing Kellog’s…
I Went to That Game With Your Grandmother
A couple of weeks ago I got to go to a football game with my son Danny. But not just any football game, “THE” football game. The BCS Championship bowl…
Worth Watching: 22 Weeks
Here’s a low budget film which was released late in 2008. The film “22 Weeks” shows the hidden side of abortion. It is based on the shocking World Net Daily article…