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365 new ones!
Family and friends – We are hours away from welcoming a new year…PHEW!! 2008 has been a duzy that’s for sure….
Every Man For Himself
A good friend of mine e-mailed me recently writing: I have a question…
Geez, we should all be so disabled.
I have this student, let’s call him Joe. He’s kind of slow, a bit mentally challenged; enough to be labeled with a disability….
Rhyme and Reason: Thankful
We are entering the time of the year in which we are reminded the most about giving thanks. We all know giving thanks should…
En Español: Poesías de José Martí
José Julián Martí Pérez nació en La Habana, el 28 de enero de 1853,…
How That Book Cover Totally Threw Me Off
I should know better than to judge one of them. I DO know better. After all, one of the things I discuss with my students about the issue of judgment is the predicament it…
Invoking Those Interceders
The other day my son asked me to help him with a project on saints that he was asked to do for his religion class. He had to choose…
Book List 2
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Stop Thinking This is All There Is
I read something the other day that struck a chord. Well, much of what I read does, but this in particular goes to how I think many…