Another picture that´s worth a thousand words…and a few more.
The latest iPhone is pretty awesome from what I hear. Isn’t it incredible how much technology has advanced? But, wow…how this mini computer robs us of potentially valuable moments. My opinion.
I fall prey to it, don’t you think different. This yin and yang of a vice, with its good and its bad, makes it easier to connect with people far away and get instant information, but it undeniably seems to reduce our interactions with those nearby.
I have to say, I often miss the days of rotary phones and heavy Encyclopedia Britannica books. I recognize, however, that as addictive as our handheld device can be, staying away from it might mean falling behind in a rapid evolving world.
Ahhh, what to do, what to do…If we would only learn to use it in moderation.
I am thankful for technology. I think. What are you thankful for today?
Until next Thursday´s post…si Dios quiere.
“Put your phone down. Pick your life up. Live life.”
“Technology should improve your life not become your life.”
B. Cox

“I think” is key here lol. Working on finding the gratitude on this one. But your words always encourage me. ❤️