We were just talking about a wonderful vacation and somehow the conversation turned to our wrinkles and ailments. That’s common in my circle of friends, but I must say that I feel our sense of gratitude and excitement of living is somehow pushed to the side every time we do that. I have to stop…
Author: Connie Perez
Thankful Thursdays
Snowbirds be like “Well hello, summer!”Floridians: “Wait, what?” That’s because it’s been feeling like summer to us since like forever. I mean, when was the last time you didn’t wear your flip-flops? But in real-time, yesterday was the official start of the season — more daylight to enjoy the outdoors, extra vitamin D (it goes…
Thankful Thursdays
My siblings and I had an amazing father — reliable, supportive, hard-working, encouraging, loving, charming — he was our superhero. He was that to us and to family and friends who thought the same of him. Papi was the kind of father that drives you to want to be a better parent yourself. The kind…
Thankful Thursdays
When life hands us lemons….If you follow this blog, you know I touch on the subject of adversity from time to time. It is one of those things in life we can’t avoid and, to be honest, writing about it, even if it’s a couple of sentences, helps me alter my mindset and face whatever…
Thankful Thursdays
Last September, I posted about organ donors and a very special recipient, our friend Ana, who was waiting, in total and complete trust in God, for a liver. Today, I share, happily and gratefully, a message from Ana (who’s vivita y coleando): “Why so pensive? Ah, stuff and double stuff, I say.’Well, dog my cats!’…
Thankful Thursdays
People, people, people (nudging a special group of people I know, some who go, some who stay)…take comfort! “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”-Matthew 6:34 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you…
Thankful Thursdays
Howdy! Still out exploring the Wild Wild West, but I didn’t want to ruin my over a decade-long Thankful Thursdays streak. On this, the 585th consecutive Thursday post I share with you all, I thank the Lord for allowing me the opportunity, and I thank YOU for reading them, for your comments, your e-mails and…
Thankful Thursdays
Coming to you today from the Black Hills of South Dakota. I am grateful for some down time, roaming with the buffalo. 🦬 😬 Nothing like some time outdoors with Nature to refocus. Expressing gratitude for what is, rather than worrying about what isn’t, is what I’m practicing right now. I hope this practice will…
Thankful Thursdays
May the 4th be with you! Today, Star Wars fans everywhere use this greeting to celebrate this epic saga of good versus evil. For me, though, this pun sparks an immediate reminder of a different kind of force – the grace, mercy, and love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. That Force….
Thankful Thursdays
It’s National Park Week, and I couldn’t let the week go by without expressing my gratitude for them. Our family’s adventures during our 26-year park quest have helped us create memories we will cherish forever. I highly recommend you include a national park in your travel plans at some point in your life. They are…