Happy leap day! A day where ‘this time last year’ and ‘this time next year’ does not apply. If you have been contemplating a job that could be a little risky or making a decision that is scary and challenging, wouldn’t this be an appropriate day to take that leap of faith?! On a related…
Category: Thankful Thursdays
Thankful Thursdays
And speaking of ashes and dust….Here is my yearly reminder to stop and take life in, because life is fleeting and it stops for no one. “Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better To paint a picture, or write a letter,Bake a cake, or plant a seed;Ponder the difference between want and need?…
Thankful Thursdays
Hello, season of Lent! This is the time of year those blessed ashes I was marked with kick off my mindfulness and spiritual “spring cleaning.” I am praying for a long-lasting effect. God knows it’s not easy to stay that kind of mindful for forty days, let alone a whole year. It’s almost like New…
Thankful Thursdays
Six hundred twenty-six and counting. Some time ago while reading One Thousand Gifts, a book about embracing everyday blessings, I thought to start a list of my own. At first, it was a piece of cake, but once I was done listing the obvious big stuff like health, family, faith, friends, etc., it became progressively…
Thankful Thursdays
I have a love/hate relationship with my projection clock. I love looking up at the ceiling and seeing that I still have a couple more hours of sleep. On the flip side, I hate when I find myself in a staring contest with this clock to see who blinks first at the change of every…
Thankful Thursdays
Some gifts come and some gifts go, and some stand the test of time. Like the plaque that was given to us by good friends on our wedding day, 36 years ago this past Monday. It has been hanging on our bedroom wall ever since. It reads: Lord, helps us to rememberwhen we first met…
Thankful Thursdays
Let’s take a moment to talk about our seconds. Because they are flying! Picture this: “Imagine you had a bank account that deposited $86,400 each morning. The account carries over no balance from day to day, allows you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed…
Thankful Thursdays
A post with a twist today. Read through the end. What is it about thankfulness that can turn a day around…a life around? Turn the intolerable into bearable, change ordinary into extraordinary? Glad you asked. 😉 I find that gratitude in any form, especially towards God, is a mood changer, and it heals. I have…
Thankful Thursdays
Good morning, and happy New Year! It feels like just yesterday I was posting last week’s Thankful Thursday. But, between then and now, we celebrated a beautiful wedding, said goodbye to 2023 and hello to a brand new year. Aaaand here we are. Let me get you started on a hopeful and empowering note. Because…
Thankful Thursdays
Almost there, people, almost there. It has been a year filled with A LOT. A lot of work, a lot of stress, a lot of anticipation, a lot of laughter, a lot of love. May 2024 also be filled with A LOT…of the good stuff. Here’s to making memories. God bless! Until next Thursday’s post,…