If some pictures are worth a thousand words, this one makes for an entire book. I open an app to review the news of the morning and, all of a sudden, I’m scrolling through funny video clips of a corporate dog, of kids acting like parents, parents acting like kids…hahaha…but the more I scroll, the…
Author: Connie Perez
Thankful Thursdays
And just like that, Easter Sunday is upon us to end this great spiritual season. I hope your Lenten journey has brought you closer to God. I want to wish those of you who share in my faith a very blessed Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. What are you thankful for today? Until…
Thankful Thursdays
Today’s Zen moment brought to you by…. I love the Zen moments shown on TV, with those relaxing scenes of beauty and quiet that are supposed to launch us into some kind of peaceful state. Ahhhh…No. Unfortunately, the snippets of calm that often appear between news segments and last but a few seconds are not…
Thankful Thursdays
Happy Pi (π) Day. Now, chillax! Today’s post is a reminder of something most of us know all too well: Stress can kill, in an infinite number of ways. Although that may sound a bit exaggerated, nope, it can. Stress can contribute to some pretty serious health conditions which, if unattended, can deteriorate the body…
Thankful Thursdays
Put that glass down, people! Today I bring us a challenge to take on. Picture this: A trainer walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she did so, she raised a glass of water. Everyone expected they’d be asked the old “half empty or half full?” question. Instead, she asked,…
Thankful Thursdays
Happy leap day! A day where ‘this time last year’ and ‘this time next year’ does not apply. If you have been contemplating a job that could be a little risky or making a decision that is scary and challenging, wouldn’t this be an appropriate day to take that leap of faith?! On a related…
Thankful Thursdays
And speaking of ashes and dust….Here is my yearly reminder to stop and take life in, because life is fleeting and it stops for no one. “Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better To paint a picture, or write a letter,Bake a cake, or plant a seed;Ponder the difference between want and need?…
Thankful Thursdays
Hello, season of Lent! This is the time of year those blessed ashes I was marked with kick off my mindfulness and spiritual “spring cleaning.” I am praying for a long-lasting effect. God knows it’s not easy to stay that kind of mindful for forty days, let alone a whole year. It’s almost like New…
Thankful Thursdays
Six hundred twenty-six and counting. Some time ago while reading One Thousand Gifts, a book about embracing everyday blessings, I thought to start a list of my own. At first, it was a piece of cake, but once I was done listing the obvious big stuff like health, family, faith, friends, etc., it became progressively…
Thankful Thursdays
I have a love/hate relationship with my projection clock. I love looking up at the ceiling and seeing that I still have a couple more hours of sleep. On the flip side, I hate when I find myself in a staring contest with this clock to see who blinks first at the change of every…